
Angelic Pretty Sugary Carnival OTKs (2021)

Angelic Pretty Dreamy Lady OTKs (2017)

Angelic Pretty Candy Treat OTKs (2010)

BTSSB Cherish My Juicy Cherry OTKs (2012)

Angelic Pretty Romantic Rose Letter OTKs (2014)

Angelic Pretty Nakayoshi Bunny OTKs (2008)

Angelic Pretty Day Dream Carnival Crew Socks (2013)

Angelic Pretty Decoration Dream OTKs (2011)

Angelic Pretty Topping Heart OTKs (2020) in Pink

Metamorphose Crown Label Sweet Shooting Star OTKs (2015)

Innocent World Cross Ribbon (?) OTKs (2010?)

Angelic Pretty Sugar Pansy OTKs (2011)

Innocent World Castille OTKs (2013)

Innocent World Forest Animals OTKs (2007)

Unknown Blue Moon/Sky Tights

Angelic Pretty Dreamy Perfume Tights (2017)

Angelic Pretty Bonbon Bunny Tights (2017)

AP Strawberry Strawberry Socks (2005) in White

Metamorphose Lucky Pack Socks (Summer 2017) in Pink

Metamorphose Tyrolean Ribbon OTKs (2016) in Beige

AP Whip Cherry Berry OTKs (2010) in Mint

IW Innocent Red Riding Hood OTK's (2017)

Meta Raschel Lace Knee Socks (Ivory)

Meta Raschel Lace Knee Socks (Black)

IW Strawberry Field Animals Knee Socks (2008) in Offwhite

IW Osmanthus OTK's (2023) in Yellow

IW Royal Strawberry OTK's (2022) in Beige x Chocolat

AP Glitter Snow OTK's (2007) in Black

BTSSB Lace Up Ribbon OTK's (2022) in WhitexRed

IW Lily of the Valley OTK's (2023) in Green

BTSSB Snow Strawberry Princess Tights (2009) in Black

BTSSB Snow Strawberry Princess Tights (2009) in White

Victorian Maiden Snow White Tights (2013)

IW Peter Rabbit OTKs (2024) in Brown

IW Peter Rabbit OTKs (2024) in Blue

IW Rose Garden OTKs (2022) in Alice Blue

Meta Back Lace Up Ribbon OTKS (2015) in Brown

AP Glitter Snow OTKs (2007) in Pink

VM Noble Lace Tights (2014) in Bordeaux

BTSSB Pomme Rouge OTKs (2017) in Ivory

Metamorphose Lace Up Rose OTKs (2019) in Navy

BTSSB Pastoral in the Green Grass OTKs (2015) in Sax

AP Dress-Up Berry Knitted OTKS (2024) in White
